Personal Information

Principal Investigator, Academician of CAS
Personal Web:

Research Direction


Research Unit

National Key Laboratory of Plant Molecular Genetics

Zuhua He

Personal Profile


1992-1996, Ph.Dgraduate fellow, Plant Pathology and Plant Molecular Genetics, Biotechnology Institute, Zhejiang Agricultural University (Current Zhejiang University), China. 

1983-1986, M.Sc, Plant Genetics and Breeding, minor in Plant Pathology and Plant Molecular Biology, Zhejiang Agricultural University (Current Zhejiang University) 

1979-1983, B.S, Agronomy major, Zhejiang Agricultural University(Current Zhejiang University) 


2000, 12-present, Professor, the National Laboratory of Plant Molecular Genetics, SIPPE, CAS, and socially serve as Secretary General of Chinese Society of Plant Physiology, deputy president of Shanghai Society of Plant Physiology. 

1999-2000, Postdoctoral Associate, Department of Plant Pathology, UC Davis. 

1997-1998, Postdoctoral Associate, Plant Molecular and Cellular Biology Lab, The Salk Institute for Biological Studies. 

1993-1996, Associate Professor, Biotechnology Institute, Zhejiang University (former Zhejiang Agricultural University), China. 

1986-1992, Lecturer and Research Associate, Laboratory of Crop genetics and Breeding, Department of Agronomy, Zhejiang Agricultural University, China 


Research Work

Genetic dissection and underlying mechanisms of plant immunity, and cross-talks between immunity and development are major aspects of plant biology. In particular, disease resistance has been a major target of breeding to ensure crop production and low input of fungicides in an environmentally friendly agriculture. Our research interests include functional genomics, mechanisms and application of plant disease resistance in particular broad-spectrum disease resistance to fungal pathogens in rice, cross-talks between defense and development (yield). The overall goals of our lab are to identify genes and signaling in disease resistance, genes and physiological processes of important yield-related traits, and cross-talk between immunity and development. The knowledge, genes and technology obtained from our research will facilitate crop molecular breeding for broad-spectrum disease resistance with high yield potential. 

Main Achievements

1. 在广谱抗病机制与育种理论上取得重大突破。抗病性是育种的主要目标之一,稻瘟病是水稻的“癌症”,我国水稻品种审定采用抗瘟性“一票否决”制,但广谱与持久抗病的问题一直无法解决。其课题组发掘了我国特有的广谱抗瘟位点Pigm,经过长期研究发现其编码两个序列相似但功能拮抗的受体,通过蛋白互作和表观遗传调控广谱持久抗病与产量的平衡,由此解析了一种全新的植物免疫和广谱抗病机制,有效地解决了抗瘟育种的瓶颈问题,成果已被广泛应用于分子育种,已有品种大面积推广。其课题组系统解析细胞死亡因子等调控广谱抗病的新机制,并创造性地研究免疫嵌合受体的信号激发, 由此发现新的植物逆境记忆机制。

